Saturday 12 May 2012

Some thoughts on drinking.

Here's a fun fact about Laura Martin: I very rarely drink. 
I'll have a glass of wine with a meal or a celebratory pint after an exam or something but it's very unusual for me to drink to the point of inebriation. 

It's not that I don't like to drink - I do.
My reasons for forsaking le booze are many
1) I get the mother of all hangovers.
Literally think of the worst hangover you've ever had then times it by 100 and that's what happens to me.
2) I prefer to be able to remember my antics
If I'm gonna make a twat of myself, I'd rather remember who I've offended. This is due to too many occasions when I've woken up to someone being very annoyed at me.
but the most important reason why I rarely get drunk these days is this:
3) I don't like clubs.
The idea of going to a smelly over crowded club with sticky floor and music so loud you are unable to hear yourself speak let alone hold any kind of meaningful conversation just does not appeal.
There are times when I feel slightly left out of the loop when people upload hundreds of samey photos of themselves with friends in clubs on Facebook but then I remember that I'm not really missing much. Just a horrible hangover and the agro of the obligatory "Oh my god... I'm so sorry about my behaviour last night" text the next morning.

Call me a square but I'd much rather sit in a bar with a nice bottle of wine (or 3 pints of Cider, dependant on the company) and get quietly smashed with people I care about than in a room full of strangers. 

Sorry about that.

(Photo from Crusting Pipe Wine Bar, Covent Garden, London)

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